Monday, November 30, 2009


Your Final project is the PROPAGANDA poster. The final design must be printed (3 copies, 1 to turn in) as well as posted to your blog by midnight, December 7th.

The final .ai files for the propaganda poster as well as the band flyer are due to me in email form ( by midnight, December 7th. I should be able to open and see them complete, this means you should email any downloaded fonts and externally linked images as well.

I will be in the lab 11/30, 12/2, and 12/7 to help you finish and print. There is no longer any mandatory attendance for the semester. Good Luck and Happy Holidays.

FINALS: Final Blog Posts

History/Research Blog:
If you have completed the research blog post for the PROPAGANDA project, then you are finished with your history blog for the semester.

Projects Blog:
Your Band Flyer must be posted in original form, corrected form, and "at large" photo, taken of the flyer, posted somewhere on campus.
Your Propaganda poster must be posted in original form and "at large" photo, taken of the flyer, posted somewhere on campus.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

PROJECT III: Disseminate Propaganda

Project III will begin with research:
Take a look at wikipedia on the subject:
Choose one technique and find two examples from historical propaganda as well as two examples from contemporary advertising that use this technique. Describe how the technique is used in each of the examples. (your examples can come from anywhere except this wikipedia page)

Your own propaganda poster must use a variation of this strategy.

Your own propaganda poster must include your own illustration (traced photos yes, live traced photos no).

Your own propaganda poster must insight behavior you endorse.

The type and image should be well integrated. In our new graphic design utopia neither image nor type will serve the other; both will be an equal part of the compositional make-up of your design. (remember constructivism, forget WWII)

Get started on the research and sketching out ideas. More to come...

PROJECT II: Postmodern Band Flyer

To complete this project you will need to make corrections/updates based on comments from the class critiques. If you had decided to forget the experience altogether due to the trauma induced by the experience, ask a classmate for suggestions. Once you have made an update, post to your projects blog - with an explanation of the update. Also print three color, tabloid sized copies on the laserJet. Sign one copy and turn it in to me. Take one copy home to you dog. The final copy gets posted somewhere under the watchful gaze of the public eye. Take a snap with a cellphone camera, your great aunts Polaroid, or any other instant image-making machine you can find. Post this snapshot to your blog as well.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

No Blog Post This Weekend

Be prepared to discuss your project in relation to the original style/movement that inspired you.

Project II Critique is Monday November 9th

Your projects should be posted in .png format with a solid background no later than 8:45 AM Monday, November 9th. Remember that attendance as well as participation is mandatory.
Be prepared to discuss how and why your project uses as well as varies from the original design style.

Monday, October 26, 2009

PROJECT II: Postmodern Band Flyer

For Project II you will create a band using the movement names from
THE LIST. The only names off-limits are those of pre-existing bands (War and Bauhaus are off-limits [although Dessau Bauhaus (any sub-genre)would be OK])
Make a tabloid sized flyer for a show the band will be playing in a venue somewhere, anywhere on campus.

Consider the Psycadelic Poster Artists' variations on designs by Art Nouveau designers. Your flyer should rely heavily upon a style from one of the designers from the movement you choose to work with, but should also update this style to appeal to contemporary sensibilities.

Begin with research. (posted to research blog) Find three examples of a designer from your movement. For each of the three designs, answer the following questions:
-How are these examples characteristic of the movement?
-What specific stylistic devices are characteristic of this designer in particular?
-(consider palette, composition, typeface, medium of image reproduction or illustration)
-Include names, titles, dates.

Your designs should display a research and familiarity with the style you choose. Be prepared to answer for your choices and variations upon the original style.

Include date and time.
We will post these on campus, so your date and time should be anytime before the due date of the poster.

Choose from:

The Four
Vienna Secession
Wiener Werkstatte
(Dada in) Zurich
The Machine Aesthetic
Dessau (BAUHAUS)
Weimar (BAUHAUS)
Ring Neue Werbegestalter or "Ring"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

BLOG POST for 10/26

This week you will not to do any writing, just posting images. Make sure you credit the artist and include the date (and title if available).

Find and post a total of three images from any or one the following artists:

Alton Kelley

Victor Moscoso

Rick Griffin

John Van Hamersveld

Stanley Mouse

Wes Wilson

Gilbert Shelton

Milton Glaser

That relate to a total of three images you find and post from Art Nouveau artists (see the LIST link to the right for the names of Art Nouveau Artists)

Monday, October 19, 2009


Create two designs, each using three to five different shapes (to be repeated as many times as necessary to represent each gradation)(each of first the three shapes must be a different type: Simple geometric, complex geometric, and a freeform [structured, random, or literal]

Translate each design into two designs by altering the color harmony, for a total of FOUR designs, each using a different color harmony (any changes to arrangement necessary are allowed)

(be sure to label the design with the color harmony you chose)

(be sure to create a dynamic composition, remembering the typography and composition exercises from earlier in the semester)

choose from the following color harmonies for your design:

primary with value gradations

primary with saturation gradations

secondary with value gradations

secondary with saturation gradations

analogous with value gradations

analogous with saturation gradations

complements with value gradations

complements with saturation gradations

split complements with value gradations

split complements with saturation gradations

triad harmony with value gradations

triad harmony with saturation gradations

tetrad complements with value gradations

tetrad complements with saturation gradations

tetrad split complements with value gradations

tetrad split complements with saturation gradations



choose from the following color harmonies to color your balloon:

(for a total of 6 balloons, each with a minimum of 3 colors from one of your four wheels)(be sure to label the balloon with the color harmony you choose):

warm hues

cool hues



split complements


triad harmony

tetrad complements

tetrad split complements


12 color wheel with value gradations (made using HSV mode color window)

12 color wheel with saturation gradations (made using HSV mode color window)

24 color process color wheel with value gradations (made using CMYK mode color window)

24 color process color wheel with saturation gradations (made using CMYK mode color window)



Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Design History Blog Post for 10/12

For this weeks design history blog post choose one designer from THE LIST and choose a graffiti artist. There are two links to the right that deal with the history of NYC graffiti. Make sure to posts pictures and link back to the sites where you found your images and information. Also make sure that if you choose a designer who is also a visual artist that you are posting and writing about the artist's design work rather than fine art. (Certainly those lines are blurred with many artists, but others have very specific lines of delineation between their art and design.)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Design History Blog Posts are Due Every Monday...
Design History Blog Posts are Due Every Monday...
Design History Blog Posts are Due Every Monday...

Design History Blogs: Weekly Posts

Design History Blogs: Weekly Posts

Each week you should choose a designer (or movement) from the list and find a compelling image of his or her work to post to your design history/research blog.
The post should include title, date, artist, design movement, a sentence about the artist's place in history, and a sentence or two about why you find the piece compelling (minimum 50 words).
The post should include a link back to the page where you found the image as well as a link to information about the designer.

Each week you should also choose a designer featured in the documentary HELVETICA and find a compelling image of his or her work to post to your design history/research blog.
The post should include title, date, artist, design movement, a sentence about the artist's place in history, and a sentence or two about why you find the piece compelling (minimum 50 words).
The post should include a link back to the page where you found the image as well as a link to information about the designer.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

FINAL DUE DATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CD PORTFOLIO w/ .psd's and .ai's due by 5 pm Friday, 4/24 - slide under office door

ALL BLOGS must be finished by midnight, 5/1
FINAL PROJECT is due at this time (midinight, 5/1), posted to BLOG
(final project only needs to be posted to BLOG, does not have to be on CD portfolio)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


CHOOSE ANY TEMPLATE!  (Unless you are doing a massive package, you should also design the CD face)
A. Multi-Panel package should include somewhere:
1. name of band
2. logo for band
3. name of CD
4. logo for record company
5. list of contents

You are inventing everything. The package design should convey the contents of the package. (The package design should in some way convey the genre of music, content of music, personality of band) (The bands name and logo should convey a sense of personality as well)

B. 1 poster:
1. CD release date
2. name of CD
3. band name
4. band logo
5. record company logo
6. Venue

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


free form MOVIE POSTER due Monday

Monday, March 23, 2009

Letterform as Character

DaFont : typeface = character

3 novelty typefaces,
adjust tracking



Monday, March 16, 2009

Class Critique 3/16/9

All Character Logos should be posted prior to class on 3/16/9 for critique; late posts will not be accepted.

DESIGN HISTORY BLOGS: Post-Spring Break Posts

Beginning Monday, March 16th, we will post to our design history blogs twice per week. (once for Monday and once for Wednesday)  One post should include 2-3 images of work from a designer from the original list, along with all of the relevant information (see first posting on Design History Blog) Your second posting should include 2-3 images of work from a designer featured in the documentary Helvetica, also along with the same relevant information.  Research posts for upcoming projects will be in addition to these two weekly postings, and research posts are always due by the next class following the assignment of the project.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


SHAPE MODEs (top bar):

UNITE -combines into 1 shape, ovelapping areas lose distinction
MINUS FRONT -object in front is cookie cutter
INTERSECT -keeps only the overlapping parts
EXCLUDE -combines, except for the parts that overlap

PATHFINDERs (bottom bar):

DIVIDE -splits up all overlapping areas into distinct obejcts
TRIM -all overlapping areas are removed
MERGE -(similar to unite)(removes stroke)
CROP -all shapes fit within top object[Command/Shift/rightBracket(to move an object to the top of the group)]
OUTLINE breaks overlapping areas into distinct paths
MINUS BACK obvious, saves a step



Line Segment Tool:
shift key - straight line
space bar - move on fly
option key - from center out

Arc Tool: (arc tool is .25 ellipse)
shift key - .25 of CIRCLE
space bar - move on fly
option key - from center out
"c" key - closes off
"f" flips
up and down arrows - changes degree of slope

Spiral Tool:
shift key = 45 angle
up and down arrows - add and reduce segments
command/ (drag) - adjusts decay 

Use the Scissor Tool to cut lines
To Join Paths - Object>Path>Join
(guides must be locked to join paths)

To Align and Join Points:
select with the Direct Selection Tool and click the Join Points icon in the Control Bar
To Average Locations
(object>paths>average[both]) or

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Examples for ad character PROJECT

1. Emperor Theodosius
(as logo character for the Roman Empire under Emperor Theodosius)
2. Andre the Giant
(as logo character for Shepard Fairey)
3. Smokey the Bear
(as logo character for US Forestry Service)
[note that Shepard Fairey used someone else for his logo character, Emperor Theodosius did not, and the Forestry Service, well...]

Monday, February 23, 2009

Personified Logo/Advertising Character/Mascot

Meet Mr. Product

Option 1:
Make yourself into an advertising character (or an advertising character for yourself) that evokes a personality trait as well as a facet of your (marketable) talents (as a designer?) or political ideals or ?

Option 2:
Create an advertising character for a company [or an ideal][or a person] that does not have one (local? imaginary?).  This character should have a personality trait that represents an ideal the company might want to espouse, as well as an object produced by the company.

Monday, February 16, 2009

OrthoCanada Nautilus Equipment Logo

Time Warner Cable Logo

Project: Nautilus Redesign

Redesign the UWF nautilus logo.  Produce 3 versions of the same logo:
1 color (and white)
2 color (and white)
3-5 color (and white)
1. Begin this project by researching the logos of Paul Rand and/or Saul Bass for your history blog.
(post 3 of your favorites {from either designer[include the artist's name]} and consider what the design says about the character of the company designed - post a sentence about this under each logo)
2. Next sketch out 10 thumbnail ideas/variations on a dirty old piece of scratch paper.
3. Begin in Illustrator with the Fibonacci Spiral and go ...?

1.  Shape
2. Color
3. Historical Continuity
4. Emotional Resonance
5. Learned Response

Nautilus Logo

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Shape, Color and Composition Exercise

Illustrate the following layout principles using a combination of compound shapes and line tools:
RHYTHM (calming and lively)
BALANCE (asymmetrical and symmetrical)

This is a total of 6 illustrations.
5 of the 6 should use one of the following methods for creating color combinations:

Each Illustration should use a compound shapes create with 1 of the pathfinder options or shape modes.  Each Illustration should use one of the line tools.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Design History Blogs: Weekly Posts

Each week you should choose a designer (or movement) from the list (link to the right) and find a compelling image of his or her work to post to your design history blog.
The post should include title, date, artist, design movement, a sentence about the artist's place in history, and a sentence or two about why you find the piece compelling.
Your first post is due 2/9/9, and you should continue to post for Monday throughout the term unless otherwise notified.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Typography and Composition - MOVIE POSTER

Choose a film for which you will create an 8.5 x 11 flyer using only type.
All visual design elements must be relevant to the conveyance of information about the film.
Pull text from Wikipedia or the Internet Move Database or, well, just about any relevant information, anywhere you can find it to fill the space in an expressive way, conveying a sense of the film's genre or mood.
Use only black, white, and two grays to generate an evocative design.
Choose ONLY from the Five Classic Typefaces for this design.
Consider the entire page when creating a composition.
Consider ALL of the exercises we have done up to this point when choosing strategies to apply. 
Look to the Designing With Type website for relevant examples (Projects, 8, Early Letterforms) 

We will discuss the finished projects in class on Monday, 2/2/9

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Typography and Composition

Expressive Words:
From Designing with Type the Essential Guide to Typography:

From the list below, select 4 words and explore their expressive quality by manipulating the letterforms.  Avoid creating an illustration with the letterforms and use one of the five classic typefaces ( Garamond, Baskerville, Bodoni, Century Expanded, Helvetica)
hiccup, disoriented, dieting, inbred, tears, robotics, able, skillful, absolute, unqualified, antagonistic, uniform, affable, diffident, humble, dissident, opulent, abundant, ample, artificial, hectic, accumulate, independent, magnanimous, authoritative, miserly, cautious, petulant, charm, firm, harmonious, calm, crude, copious, jagged

Expressive Sentence:
Use a single sentence to drive the viewers eye around a page in an unconventional and expressive way.
Use a single and different type family from one of the five classic typefaces for each design.

Typography and Composition