Monday, February 16, 2009

Project: Nautilus Redesign

Redesign the UWF nautilus logo.  Produce 3 versions of the same logo:
1 color (and white)
2 color (and white)
3-5 color (and white)
1. Begin this project by researching the logos of Paul Rand and/or Saul Bass for your history blog.
(post 3 of your favorites {from either designer[include the artist's name]} and consider what the design says about the character of the company designed - post a sentence about this under each logo)
2. Next sketch out 10 thumbnail ideas/variations on a dirty old piece of scratch paper.
3. Begin in Illustrator with the Fibonacci Spiral and go ...?

1.  Shape
2. Color
3. Historical Continuity
4. Emotional Resonance
5. Learned Response

Nautilus Logo

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