Wednesday, November 18, 2009

PROJECT III: Disseminate Propaganda

Project III will begin with research:
Take a look at wikipedia on the subject:
Choose one technique and find two examples from historical propaganda as well as two examples from contemporary advertising that use this technique. Describe how the technique is used in each of the examples. (your examples can come from anywhere except this wikipedia page)

Your own propaganda poster must use a variation of this strategy.

Your own propaganda poster must include your own illustration (traced photos yes, live traced photos no).

Your own propaganda poster must insight behavior you endorse.

The type and image should be well integrated. In our new graphic design utopia neither image nor type will serve the other; both will be an equal part of the compositional make-up of your design. (remember constructivism, forget WWII)

Get started on the research and sketching out ideas. More to come...

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