Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Examples for ad character PROJECT

1. Emperor Theodosius
(as logo character for the Roman Empire under Emperor Theodosius)
2. Andre the Giant
(as logo character for Shepard Fairey)
3. Smokey the Bear
(as logo character for US Forestry Service)
[note that Shepard Fairey used someone else for his logo character, Emperor Theodosius did not, and the Forestry Service, well...]

Monday, February 23, 2009

Personified Logo/Advertising Character/Mascot

Meet Mr. Product

Option 1:
Make yourself into an advertising character (or an advertising character for yourself) that evokes a personality trait as well as a facet of your (marketable) talents (as a designer?) or political ideals or ?

Option 2:
Create an advertising character for a company [or an ideal][or a person] that does not have one (local? imaginary?).  This character should have a personality trait that represents an ideal the company might want to espouse, as well as an object produced by the company.

Monday, February 16, 2009

OrthoCanada Nautilus Equipment Logo

Time Warner Cable Logo

Project: Nautilus Redesign

Redesign the UWF nautilus logo.  Produce 3 versions of the same logo:
1 color (and white)
2 color (and white)
3-5 color (and white)
1. Begin this project by researching the logos of Paul Rand and/or Saul Bass for your history blog.
(post 3 of your favorites {from either designer[include the artist's name]} and consider what the design says about the character of the company designed - post a sentence about this under each logo)
2. Next sketch out 10 thumbnail ideas/variations on a dirty old piece of scratch paper.
3. Begin in Illustrator with the Fibonacci Spiral and go ...?

1.  Shape
2. Color
3. Historical Continuity
4. Emotional Resonance
5. Learned Response

Nautilus Logo

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Shape, Color and Composition Exercise

Illustrate the following layout principles using a combination of compound shapes and line tools:
RHYTHM (calming and lively)
BALANCE (asymmetrical and symmetrical)

This is a total of 6 illustrations.
5 of the 6 should use one of the following methods for creating color combinations:

Each Illustration should use a compound shapes create with 1 of the pathfinder options or shape modes.  Each Illustration should use one of the line tools.