Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Design History Blogs: Weekly Posts

Each week you should choose a designer (or movement) from the list (link to the right) and find a compelling image of his or her work to post to your design history blog.
The post should include title, date, artist, design movement, a sentence about the artist's place in history, and a sentence or two about why you find the piece compelling.
Your first post is due 2/9/9, and you should continue to post for Monday throughout the term unless otherwise notified.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Typography and Composition - MOVIE POSTER

Choose a film for which you will create an 8.5 x 11 flyer using only type.
All visual design elements must be relevant to the conveyance of information about the film.
Pull text from Wikipedia or the Internet Move Database or, well, just about any relevant information, anywhere you can find it to fill the space in an expressive way, conveying a sense of the film's genre or mood.
Use only black, white, and two grays to generate an evocative design.
Choose ONLY from the Five Classic Typefaces for this design.
Consider the entire page when creating a composition.
Consider ALL of the exercises we have done up to this point when choosing strategies to apply. 
Look to the Designing With Type website for relevant examples (Projects, 8, Early Letterforms) 

We will discuss the finished projects in class on Monday, 2/2/9

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Typography and Composition

Expressive Words:
From Designing with Type the Essential Guide to Typography:

From the list below, select 4 words and explore their expressive quality by manipulating the letterforms.  Avoid creating an illustration with the letterforms and use one of the five classic typefaces ( Garamond, Baskerville, Bodoni, Century Expanded, Helvetica)
hiccup, disoriented, dieting, inbred, tears, robotics, able, skillful, absolute, unqualified, antagonistic, uniform, affable, diffident, humble, dissident, opulent, abundant, ample, artificial, hectic, accumulate, independent, magnanimous, authoritative, miserly, cautious, petulant, charm, firm, harmonious, calm, crude, copious, jagged

Expressive Sentence:
Use a single sentence to drive the viewers eye around a page in an unconventional and expressive way.
Use a single and different type family from one of the five classic typefaces for each design.

Typography and Composition